rose hill packet ship replica parramatta

project: rose hill packet replica parramatta


Artist Chris Kenyon representing Walker Corporation, commissioned Di Emme to build a replica of the mail and supply boat the Rose Hill Packet. The original 1789 vessel journeyed from Circular Quay up the Parramatta River and the replica vessel is suspended in the lobby of the commercial tower at 6 Parramatta Square.

After extensive research in the archives of the Australian Maritime Museum, British Natural History Museum, and British Maritime Museum, Chris designed a three-quarter stylised Rose Hill Packet that formed the basis for Di Emme’s replica.

To create an accurate model Di Emme worked with artisans who knew the old carpentry and sail making techniques. A structural engineer was engaged to ensure the safety of the 3-tonne replica.

Australian hardwood was too hard for traditional boat building tools, so the convicts used axes and farm tools to build their vessel. Di Emme use hand tools to recreate the rough hewn finish and tea stained the rigging and sails to add authenticity.

The replica has a metal armature clad in wood. After the model was completed it had to be cut in half to fit into the building and then rejoined on site.

“The project took around a year. It was a challenging 3D fabrication project, but also one of our most rewarding ones.


Di Emme built a 3-tonne replica of the Rose Hill Packet mail and supply boat for the lobby of the commercial tower at 6 Parramatta Square. The replica was based on artist Chris Kenyon’s meticulously researched three-quarter stylised vessel. Artisan carpenters and a veteran sailmaker helped ensure the accuracy of the model.


Walker Corporation represented by artist Chris Kenyon


  • Design development

  • Fabrication

  • Onsite for installation


6 Parramatta Square

project Duration

1 year