Constellation Ceiling Museum of Sydney


Museum of Sydney (MOS) on the sight of the first Government House tells the stories of Sydney and its people. In a unique project for MOS, Di Emme created a starlit firmament constellation ceiling for the new Garuwanga Gurad (Stories that Belong to Country) education program.

The program for upper primary students, explores the links between Indigenous and European history, culture, law and lore. The students listen to an Indigenous Dreaming story as they lie on their backs looking up at Di Emme’s night sky.

 The sky is a complex system of custom made fibre optic lights programmed to depict distinctive constellations and significant Dreaming events. A cloud of gold mesh is suspended below, reflecting the changing light sequences and amplifying the “creation” experience.

 When asked to describe the best thing about the Garuwanga Gurad program, one student replied, “listening to the story under the stars.”

Susan WoodlandDi Emme